0.12 (2018-05-09)

Upgrade instructions are available at


- Subsonic API implementation to offer compatibility with existing clients such
  as DSub (#75)
- Use nodeinfo standard for publishing instance information (#192)


- Play button now play tracks immediately instead of appending them to the
  queue (#99, #156)


- Fix broken federated import (#193)


- Up-to-date documentation for upgrading front-end files on docker setup (#132)

Subsonic API

This release implements some core parts of the Subsonic API, which is widely
deployed in various projects and supported by numerous clients.

By offering this API in Funkwhale, we make it possible to access the instance
library and listen to the music without from existing Subsonic clients, and
without developping our own alternative clients for each and every platform.

Most advanced Subsonic clients support offline caching of music files,
playlist management and search, which makes them well-suited for nomadic use.

Please head over :doc:`users/apps` for more informations about supported clients
and user instructions.

At the instance-level, the Subsonic API is enabled by default, but require
and additional endpoint to be added in you reverse-proxy configuration.

On nginx, add the following block::

    location /rest/ {
        include /etc/nginx/funkwhale_proxy.conf;
        proxy_pass   http://funkwhale-api/api/subsonic/rest/;

On Apache, add the following block::

    <Location "/rest">
        ProxyPass ${funkwhale-api}/api/subsonic/rest
        ProxyPassReverse ${funkwhale-api}/api/subsonic/rest

The Subsonic can be disabled at the instance level from the django admin.

.. note::

    Because of Subsonic's API design which assumes cleartext storing of
    user passwords, we chose to have a dedicated, separate password
    for that purpose. Users can generate this password from their
    settings page in the web client.

Nodeinfo standard for instance information and stats

.. warning::

    The ``/api/v1/instance/stats/`` endpoint which was used to display
    instance data in the about page is removed in favor of the new
    ``/api/v1/instance/nodeinfo/2.0/`` endpoint.

In earlier version, we where using a custom endpoint and format for
our instance information and statistics. While this was working,
this was not compatible with anything else on the fediverse.

We now offer a nodeinfo 2.0 endpoint which provides, in a single place,
all the instance information such as library and user activity statistics,
public instance settings (description, registration and federation status, etc.).

We offer two settings to manage nodeinfo in your Funkwhale instance:

1. One setting to completely disable nodeinfo, but this is not recommended
   as the exposed data may be needed to make some parts of the front-end
   work (especially the about page).
2. One setting to disable only usage and library statistics in the nodeinfo
   endpoint. This is useful if you want the nodeinfo endpoint to work,
   but don't feel comfortable sharing aggregated statistics about your library
   and user activity.

To make your instance fully compatible with the nodeinfo protocol, you need to
to edit your nginx configuration file:

.. code-block::

    # before
    location /.well-known/webfinger {
        include /etc/nginx/funkwhale_proxy.conf;
        proxy_pass   http://funkwhale-api/.well-known/webfinger;

    # after
    location /.well-known/ {
        include /etc/nginx/funkwhale_proxy.conf;
        proxy_pass   http://funkwhale-api/.well-known/;

You can do the same if you use apache:

.. code-block::

    # before
    <Location "/.well-known/webfinger">
      ProxyPass ${funkwhale-api}/.well-known/webfinger
      ProxyPassReverse ${funkwhale-api}/.well-known/webfinger

    # after
    <Location "/.well-known/">
      ProxyPass ${funkwhale-api}/.well-known/
      ProxyPassReverse ${funkwhale-api}/.well-known/

This will ensure all well-known endpoints are proxied to funkwhale, and
not just webfinger one.


- About nodeinfo: https://github.com/jhass/nodeinfo
This tag has no release notes.